Hello from Cedar Weekly Emails

Hello from Cedar

This has been a very sad week for our school community.  Thank you for your messages of kindness after my letter on Tuesday.   I know how much we are all thinking of the family at this time.

Talking about special festivals, I have attached a letter, written by Cesia, which details plans and dates for Christmas and Winter celebrations here at Cedar.  We look forward to welcoming many of you to our Christmas Extravaganza on Tuesday 5th December at 10am.  Equally, Karen and Sue, on behalf of the staff team, invite you all to the Bikers' ride in on Saturday 2nd December at 10.30am.  It is hard to believe how the days are racing by!  How can we be talking about December already??!!

We wish all families a peaceful weekend; see you all again on Monday!

Take care,
Neil, Cesia and the whole Cedar team

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